Code: RIBOT10
Brand: Telme
RIBOT compound , mixture , mounts , cuts , grinds , kneads , heats , cooks , maintains , temper , pasteurize , cool , strikes and freezes food, bread , pasta , rice , meat , fish , vegetables as well as liquid, creamy , pasty , chocolate , ice cream , granita etc. Design features - Constructive Simplicity: Delivers the competitive car. The processing of food products are performed in a single cylinder vertically disposed which allows easy filling, constant product visibility and addition of ingredients at any time Features and Benefits - Compound, mixture, mounts, pets, kneads, heats, cooks, maintains, tempers, cools, reduces and freezes food items like bread, pasta, rice, meat, fish, vegetables as well as liquid and creamy.
- Utilisation of the whole surface of the cylinder to transmit heat or cold
- Ease of assembly and disassembly of the various components which provide coupling elements
- Field Programmable temperature between -15 ° C and 110 ° C
- Time of heating \ cooking programmable from 1 to 999 Minutes
- Agitation from 10 to 500 revolutions per minute. Rotation CW and CCW
- Cycles of operation fully automatic or manual
- Cleaning and sanitizing quick and easy
Cover for cooking (2): Prevents condensation on the floor of the car and speeds up the heating or cooking
Reload funnel (3): For various ingredients
Removable coating Protection (4): Protects from heat
Standard Multipurpose mixer (5): For many products Gastronomy, Confectionery, Ice Cream and Chocolate
Shovel Contrast (6): Especially for ice cream and special mixtures
- Heating through conducting liquid, in circulation, allows cooking mitare and avoids burns Product
- Quick transmission of heating because the product inside the cylinder is mixed
- Precise control of the temperature both for heating and cooling
- Maintain sustained a specific temperature
- Quick cooking and cooling reduce the weight loss and preserve colors, aromas and flavors of natural foods
- Fast killing temperature of the food product mixed inside the cylinder
- Automatic or manual rapid cycles, allow considerable savings
- Wide temperature range allows both chocolate tempering (White, Dark, Milk) as well as the preparation of ice cream, sorbets and Granite
- Possibility to instantly vary the speed of rotation
- Direction of rotation and variable shape of the components contribute to the provision of comprehensive, automated products.
- Guarantee hygiene: The product is not subject to the manipulations vacuum packaging
Blast chilling, executed with surprising speed compared to the time needed for a real blast chiller, avoids the manipulations, the drop in weight by evaporation and allows to sanitize the product is quickly ready for storage, preferably under vacuum, at a low temperature.
They will be preserving the nutritional quality of the food, their color, their texture, assuring consumers maximum taste and consistent quality.
The storage at low temperature allows to optimize the operations already carried in quantities economically advantageous. With RIBOT you can then program the work to save time and money.
The temperature cycle obtained with different quantities of mix, always the same result: A fine and creamy ice cream. The reversal of the direction of rotation and speed, appropriate agitator, ensures optimal extraction. At the end of the cycle, the product is rapidly dispensed ready for immediate sale. The washing of the few components, easily removable without tools, is simple and provides maximum hygiene.
Measurements (lxpxh)
Net weight
Batch freezer Capacity 4-8 Lt. Hourly production 60 - 400/50/3 air
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Batch freezer Capacity 4-12 Lt. Hourly production 90
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Batch freezer Capacity 15-18 Lt. Hourly production 120
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Batch freezer Capacity 8-24 Lt - Hourly production 160
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Batch freezer Capacity 3-6 lt. Hourly production 10-35 lt. AirWater Cooling
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Combined Capacity 4-8 lt. Hourly production 20-60 lt. Water Cooling
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Combined Capacity 4-8 lt. Hourly production 20-60 lt. Air Cooling
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Combined - 4-12 Lt. Hourly production 35-60 - Water Cooling
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Combined - Lt. 4-12 Output per hour 35-60 - Air Cooling
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Ice-cream Capacity - 2 Lt. Hourly production 10 Lt.
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Universal Kitchen Machine, Capacity 10 Liters - Water \ Air Cooling
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Universal Kitchen Machine, Capacity 18 Liters - Water Cooling
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Universal Kitchen Machine, Capacity 18 Liters - Air Cooling
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Universal Kitchen Machine, Capacity 30 Liters - Water Cooling
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Whipped cream Capacity 5 Lt. - Hourly production 100 Lt.
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Whipped cream Capacity 2 Lt. - Hourly production 100 Lt.
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Filling Hourly production capacity 15 Lt. 300 Lt.
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Cookers - 3-10 Liters Capacity
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